What Are The 5 Different Types of Fire Extinguisher: Important Fire Safety Guide


Fires can be highly unpredictable, and when they occur, being unprepared is the last thing you want. Whether it’s a minor flare-up in your kitchen or a more significant incident at work, knowing how to respond effectively in fire safety can be crucial. What you may not realize is that various types of fires necessitate distinct methods for safe extinguishment. This is where fire extinguishers play a vital role, but it’s important to note that not all extinguishers are created equal. In fact, using the incorrect type could exacerbate the situation! In this blog, we will examine the different fire classes and delve into the five essential types of fire extinguishers you should be familiar with.


Fires are not all the same, which is why they are classified into specific categories. Here’s a concise overview:

Class A – Ordinary Combustibles
This class includes fires fueled by common materials such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and plastics.

Picture a campfire, a mishap in the fireplace, or a kitchen towel igniting. These fires are generally extinguished by cooling the burning items.

Class B – Flammable Liquids
This category encompasses fires involving flammable liquids like gasoline, oil, and alcohol. Such fires can erupt in kitchens, garages, or industrial settings and can spread rapidly. They require extinguishers designed to smother the flames by cutting off their oxygen supply.

Class C – Electrical Fires
Fires that involve electrical devices, including wiring, appliances, and outlets, fall into this class.

It’s crucial to avoid using water on electrical fires, making specialized extinguishers necessary to prevent electric shock.

Class D – Combustible Metals
While less common in residential areas, these fires occur in industrial environments and involve metals such as magnesium, titanium, and sodium. They require specialized extinguishers, as they burn at very high temperatures and can react violently with water.

Class K – Cooking Oils and Fats
Primarily found in commercial kitchens, Class K fires involve cooking oils and fats, particularly those in deep fryers.

These fires can escalate quickly, underscoring the importance of having the correct extinguisher readily available.


Having explored the different types of fires, let’s delve into the various fire extinguishers available and their effectiveness against these fire classes.

1. Water Fire Extinguishers (Class A)
Water fire extinguishers are the most prevalent choice, specifically designed for Class A fires that involve materials such as wood, paper, and fabric.

They function by cooling the flames and eliminating heat.

However, it’s crucial to note that they are only suitable for Class A fires; using water on flammable liquids or electrical fires can lead to severe consequences.

Use: Perfect for extinguishing fires involving paper, textiles, and wood. You’ll typically find them in schools, offices, and residential settings.

Not for: Electrical or liquid fires. Water and electricity are a dangerous combination, and applying water to flammable liquids can exacerbate the situation.

2. Foam Fire Extinguishers (Class A & B)
Foam extinguishers are capable of addressing both Class A and B fires, offering greater versatility.

The foam creates a barrier over the flames, cutting off the oxygen supply while simultaneously cooling the fire. This makes them effective against flammable liquids like oil and gasoline, as well as common combustibles such as wood and paper.

Use: Ideal for environments like garages and workshops where flammable liquids are present, while also effective for organic material fires.

Not for: Electrical fires. The foam can conduct electricity, posing a risk of electric shock.

3. Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers (Class A, B, C, & D)
Dry powder extinguishers are highly versatile, and capable of tackling Class A, B, C, and certain Class D fires, depending on the powder type.

They work by enveloping the fire in a fine powder that smothers the flames and interrupts the chemical reactions fueling the fire.

These extinguishers are commonly found in industrial environments due to their broad applicability.

Use: Excellent for electrical fires, flammable liquids, and combustible metals. You’ll often see them in factories and garages.

Not for: Enclosed spaces. The powder can obscure visibility and make breathing difficult. Not suitable for use in the kitchen.


Fires can vary, so using the right extinguisher is key. If you don’t have the right fire safety equipment at home or work, it’s time to stock up with HAC and Sons. As a trusted supplier of fire safety equipment, we offer a wide range of reliable extinguishers from trusted brands, all delivered promptly. Don’t wait—get prepared today and ensure your safety with HAC and Sons!


Key principles for fire prevention: Learn how to keep safe


One of the main forces forming civilization, fire, may be quite dangerous if it is not controlled. Many things can ignite a fire, including malfunctioning electrical equipment, cooking while unattended, or natural calamities, all of which result in damage, injuries, and death. To create practical plans that protect people, communities, and businesses, one must understand the five principles of fire prevention. Following these guidelines lowers the risk of fire and increases the efficiency of response.

In workplaces, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees, visitors, and assets is paramount. Fire prevention is among this’s most important components. Having a strong emergency response plan and putting in place strong fire safety measures can help to avoid catastrophic losses and guarantee quick, well-coordinated action in case of need. We examine here five fundamental principles of emergency response and fire safety that every company ought to follow.


1. Conduct Regular Fire Risk Assessments

A sound fire prevention plan starts with routine fire risk assessments. Part of these evaluations is checking the workplace for possible fire hazards, such as broken electrical equipment, overloaded power outlets, and things that can catch fire. When risks are identified, they need to be evaluated based on how likely they are to happen and what effects they might have. A fire can be prevented to a great extent by creating plans to lessen these hazards, such as fixing damaged wiring, maintaining equipment, and requiring safe storage of combustible goods.

2. Maintain Electrical Safety

To keep fires from starting, electrical safety is very important. Make sure that qualified professionals regularly check and repair all electrical installations and equipment. If you need to, use power strips with surge protectors to keep your outlets and wires from getting too hot. Also, tell your workers to turn off electrical devices when they’re not using them, especially when the workday is over. These habits help stop electrical fires and burning, which are common causes of fires in the workplace.

3. Proper Storage of Flammable Materials

Proper storage of flammable materials is essential in minimizing fire risks. Keep flammable liquids and materials in containers that are allowed and clearly labeled. Keep these things in their designated storage areas, away from electrical tools and sources of heat. Making sure that storage places have good airflow can keep vapors from building up, which lowers the risk of an explosion.

4. Implement Strict No-Smoking Policies

Another important part of fire safety is having strict rules about smoking. Set aside places to smoke that are far from buildings and things that can catch fire. Make sure that the right containers are available for throwing away cigarette ends and that they are used properly. Strictly following no-smoking rules at work helps lower the fire risks. This is particularly important in environments where flammable materials are present.

5. Install and Maintain Fire Detection and Suppression Systems

Place smoke detectors and fire alarms all over the workplace and test them often, changing the batteries as needed. Make sure the workplace has the right fire extinguishers and that they are regularly checked and kept. For extra fire safety, you might want to put in automatic sprinkler systems. These systems can put out fires quickly, reducing the risk and harm.


Being one of the top providers of fire safety equipment, Hac & Sons takes seriously its duty to enlighten and educate the general public about safe fire procedures. Our goal is to provide communities with the information and resources they need to proactively manage and prevent fire hazards, therefore guaranteeing everyone’s safety and security.

Practical Steps to Prevent Workplace Fires and Maintain Safety


Workplace safety is critical, and fire is one of its biggest dangers. Significant damage, interruption of corporate operations, and—above all—life danger are all possible consequences of fires. Thus, every company should prioritize workplace fire safety. Take advantage of this blog which will tell you the practical steps on how to prevent fires in a workplace, what to do in case of a fire, and how to maintain a fire-safe workplace.

How to Prevent a Fire in a Workplace

Conduct Regular Fire Risk Assessments

Check your office often for fire dangers including overloaded power outlets, combustible debris, and malfunctioning electrical equipment. This makes early identification of possible hazards possible.

Determine how likely and damaging these fire threats are, then create plans to lessen them. Setting safety measures as priorities requires this assessment. Act to remove or lessen fire hazards by fixing broken wiring, keeping equipment in good working order, and requiring safe storage of explosive goods. Putting these controls into place can drastically lower the likelihood of a fire.

Maintain Electrical Safety

Maintain electrical systems and equipment with frequent testing and repairs by trained professionals.

To avoid electrical fires caused by defective equipment, examine it routinely. Avoid overloading electrical outlets and circuits. If surge protectors are needed, utilize power strips. Thus, electrical fires and overheating are reduced.

Remind employees to turn off electronics at the end of each day. Fire dangers can be reduced using this simple solution.

Proper Storage of Flammable Materials

Keep combustible substances in containers that have been approved for storage and have clear labels. They will be immediately recognizable and can be handled with care if this is done.

Ensure that combustible products are stored in specific locations, far from any potential heat sources or electrical equipment. Accidental fires can be reduced with proper storage.

Make sure there is adequate ventilation in the storage spaces to avoid the accumulation of fumes. The danger of fire is lessened by adequate air circulation.

Implement Strict No-Smoking Policies

Smoke in designated areas away from buildings and fire hazards. This reduces smoking-related fires. Provide containers for cigarette butt disposal to ensure appropriate disposal. Proper disposal reduces accidental fires. Smoking must be banned by the employer. Enforcement is to reduce fire risks and ensure compliance.

Install and Maintain Fire Detection and Suppression Systems

The workplace should be equipped with smoke detectors and fire alarms. To keep them in working order, check on them often and change the batteries as needed.

Make sure that fire extinguishers are properly installed in the workplace and that they are checked and maintained regularly.

For extra safety, think about setting up sprinkler systems that operate automatically. Fires can be put out rapidly with sprinkler systems, reducing danger and damage.

What to Do When There is a Fire in a Workplace

Raise the Alarm

Immediately activate the nearest fire alarm to notify everyone inside the building. This is the first crucial step in handling a fire situation. To report a fire, call an emergency service number. Provide specific information about the location and type of the fire to facilitate a prompt response.

Evacuate Safely

To evacuate the building, use the exits and routes designed for evacuation. A fire evacuation is not the time to use elevators. Help others who could need help, such as those who are hurt or disabled. Making sure everyone can leave in safety is essential. Steer clear of smoke by staying low to the ground. Both visibility and smoke inhalation can be avoided with this.

Use Fire Extinguishers if Safe

Only attempt to use a fire extinguisher if the fire is small and it is safe to do so. Assess the situation carefully before taking action. Remember the P.A.S.S. technique—Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle, and Sweep from side to side. This technique is effective in controlling small fires.

Assemble at Designated Meeting Points

Make sure everyone is safe by reporting to the specified meeting places once the evacuation has been completed. This aids in making sure everyone is secure and found. Until emergency crews say it’s safe to do so, you should not return to the building. For safety’s sake, you must wait for the all-clear.

How to Ensure There Should Be No Fires in a Workplace

Regular Training and Drills

Provide frequent fire safety training for all personnel on fire prevention, evacuation, and extinguisher use. Maintaining fire safety requires everyone to know these topics. Regular fire drills ensure everyone knows evacuation routes and procedures. These drills teach staff the fastest and safest emergency routes, decreasing panic and confusion.

Develop and Implement a Fire Safety Plan

Make a detailed fire prevention and response plan. This documented plan should outline fire response actions so everyone knows their roles. Appoint fire wardens and give fire safety duties. In emergencies, fire wardens can lead evacuations and clear areas. To reflect workplace changes and new requirements, review and update the fire safety plan regularly.

Maintain Clear and Accessible Exits

Make sure fire exits are always marked and clear. Check exits often to make sure they’re accessible and without furniture, equipment, or other obstructions. Create and maintain emergency lighting for exits and evacuation routes during power outages. Even in low-visibility situations, its lighting guides employees to safety, ensuring a quick evacuation.

Promote a Culture of Safety

Encourage workers to report fires and unsafe practices immediately. This proactive approach prevents minor issues from becoming major risks. Management should demonstrate fire safety in all working procedures.

Positive reinforcement makes workplaces safer and more vigilant.


HAC & Sons believes preventing fires in the workplace requires a proactive approach, regular maintenance, and a culture of safety. Since we provide fire fighting and safety equipment,  fire safety is everyone’s responsibility, and taking these steps can help ensure a safe and fire-free environment for all.